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Cyndi Lauper • Girls Just Want To Have Fun

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Cyndi Lauper • Girls Just Want To Have Fun
Foto: Facebook/Cyndi Lauper

Articol de Radio Vacanța, 14 octombrie 2023, 15:01 / actualizat: 14 noiembrie 2023, 15:06

I come home, in the mornin’ light
My mother says, „When you gonna live your life right?”
Oh momma dear, we’re not the fortunate ones
And girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls just wanna have fun

The phone rings, in the middle of the night
My father yells, „What you gonna do with your life?”
Oh daddy dear, you know you’re still number one
But girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls just wanna have

That’s all they really want
Some fun
When the workin’ day is done
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls just wanna have fun (girls, they want)
(Wanna have fun, girls)
(Wanna have)

Some boys take a beautiful girl
And hide her away from the rest o’ the world
I wanna be the one to walk in the sun
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls just wanna have

That’s all they really want
Is some fun
When the workin’ day is done
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls just wanna have fun (girls, they want)
(Wanna have fun, girls)
(Wanna have)

They just want, they just wanna (girls)
They just want, they just wanna (girls just wanna have fun)
Oh girls, girls just wanna have fun
(Just want, they just wanna)
They just wanna, they just wanna (girls)
They just want, they just wanna (girls just wanna have fun)
Oh girls, girls just wanna have fun

When the workin’
When the workin’ day is done
Oh, when the workin’ day is done
Oh, girls, girls just wanna have fun
Huh, huh

They just want, they just wanna (girls)
They just want, they just wanna (girls just wanna have fun)
Oh, girls, girls just wanna have fun
(They just wanna, they just wanna) when the workin’
When the working day is done (they just want, they just wanna)
Oh, when the working day is done (girls, girls just wanna have fun)
Oh girls, girls just wanna have fun

© Sony/atv Tunes Llc, Emi Blackwood Music Inc.

FOTO: Cyndi Lauper

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