Ascultă Radio Vacanța Live

Spice Girls • Viva Forever

Cântecele de colecție se aud, în orice moment al zilei, pe Radio Vacanța Gold!

Spice Girls • Viva Forever

Articol de AP, 30 iunie 2023, 11:40 / actualizat: 30 iulie 2023, 11:49

„Do you still remember”Do you still remember

How we used to be?

Feeling together

Believing whatever

My love has said to me

Both of us were dreamers

Young love in the sun

Felt like my saviour

My spirit I gave ya

We’d only just begun

Hasta mañana

Always be mine

Viva forever

I’ll be waiting

Everlasting like the sun

Live forever

For the moment

Ever searching for the one

Yes, I still remember

Every whispered word

The touch of your skin

Giving life from within

Like a love song never heard

Slipping through our fingers

Like the sands of time

Promises made

Every memory saved

As reflections in my mind

Hasta mañana

Always be mine (Always be mine)

Viva forever

I’ll be waiting

Everlasting like the sun

Live forever

For the moment

Ever searching for the one

Back where I belong now

Was it just a dream?

Feelings unfold

They will never be sold

And the secret’s safe with me

Hasta mañana

Always be mine (Always be mine)

Viva forever (Viva forever)

I’ll be waiting (I’ll be waiting)

Everlasting (Everlasting)

Like the sun (Like the sun)

Live forever (Live forever)

For the moment (For the moment)

Ever searching (Ever searching)

For the one (For the one)

Viva forever (Viva forever)

I’ll be waiting

Everlasting like the sun

Live forever (Live forever)

For the moment

Ever searching for the one

Viva forever (Viva forever)

I’ll be waiting

Everlasting like the sun

Live forever (Live forever)

For the moment

Ever searching for the one

Viva forever

I’ll be waiting (I’ll be waiting)

Everlasting like the sun

Live forever (Live forever)

For the moment

Ever searching for the one…”

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